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  • Registrante : Sydney
  • [Idioma]日本語
  • Fecha registrada : 2023/09/26
  • Fecha de Publicación : 2023/09/26
  •   ;: fecha de cambio2023/09/26
  • Vista de Página. : 
2023/10/1 - 2024/9/30 / Sydney / Otros

Speakers' Corner - Sydney

Every Sunday, from mid afternoon until sunset, people gather opposite the NSW Art Gallery to discuss all matters. It's a safe place for anyone who wants to engage in real debate, about any topic.

Every Sunday, from mid afternoon until sunset, people gather opposite the NSW Art Gallery to discuss all matters. It's a safe place for anyone who wants to engage in real debate, about any topic.

The ones standing on ladders are the speakers, and they believe it is their job to educate their 'grasshoppers' or 'groundlings’. The ones in chairs believe it’s their job to point out why the speaker is wrong, and to heckle. Both parties are kept busy.

Other ratbags contribute too. And, if a passer-by has something to say, they might well be given five minutes to say it, up on The Ladder of Knowledge.

So, come along and argue with the ratbags. Or get on a ladder and be one!

If you decide you have had enough, they generously provide a large art gallery across the road.

Dirección Sydney
Fecha 2023/10/1 - 2024/9/30
Detalle de tiempo
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Vivinavi - Eventos

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