Updates from the City of Sydney City of Sydney News 11 February 2025 Welcome to City of Sydney News
Each edition will bring you stories of innovation, community and growth, showcasing the people and projects that make Sydney a great place to live, work and explore.
Discover the latest opportunities, get involved in local projects and stay connected.
Clover Moore AO
Lord Mayor of Sydney
Business Business sector spotlight: Shape the future of small business support [https://consult.treasury.gov.au/c2025-624500]
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman provides advice, assistance and dispute resolution services for small businesses.
An independent review is underway to assess its effectiveness, and your feedback is crucial.
Share your insights and have your say by 31 March [https://consult.treasury.gov.au/c2025-624500].
Did you know there are several ways you can purchase renewable electricity for your organisation?
Switching to renewable energy is still the most impactful way most organisations can cut emissions.
Join the Business Renewables Centre Australia on 13 February to learn about GreenPower and Retail Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). This 1-hour webinar will help you make informed decisions. Find out more and secure your free spot now [https://utsmeet.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VMBq4AWNRHWoEEeiOrE-Qg#/registration].
Environment Keeping bikes out of landfill [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/keeping-bikes-out-of-landfill]
Revolve ReCYCLING is giving old bikes a new life. They're proving that keeping bikes from landfill is not only environmentally beneficial, but also economically sustainable.
We’ve partnered with Revolve ReCYCLING to accept old bikes and scooters at our Recycle It Saturday [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/environmental-support-funding/recycle-it-saturday] events. The next event is Saturday 22 February, 9am to 3pm, at Alexandra Canal Depot.
Planning & building Have your say on our new round of planning changes [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/your-say-updates-planning-controls-related-greening-amenity-parking-design-excellence]
We want your feedback on proposed changes to our planning rules that support our long-term goals relating to greening, amenity, parking, design excellence and development in Central Sydney.
The changes support greater housing diversity, including new guidelines for adaptable dwellings, and requirements to ensure apartments are suitable for families and have communal open space.
Arts & culture Sydney Streets brings food, shopping and fun outdoors [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/sydney-streets-brings-food-shopping-and-fun-outdoors]
Your favourite neighbourhoods come to life with alfresco dining, entertainment and live music.
Don’t miss the final weekend of Sydney Lunar Festival [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/programs/sydney-lunar-festival]
There are cultural street performances, giant snakes and ladders, animal lanterns [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/programs/sydney-lunar-festival] and lots more to see and do to celebrate the Year of the Snake.
City life Join the Lord Mayor's official welcome event for international students [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/join-the-lord-mayors-official-welcome-event-for-international-students]
Learn about Sydney life, services and programs while making new friends.
6 women from the City of Sydney share how STEM careers help them stay curious [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/6-women-from-the-city-of-sydney-share-how-stem-careers-help-them-stay]
Across the City of Sydney, women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, are driving innovation, sustainability and smart solutions.
Secure funding for your project in 2025: Grants open now [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/city-sydney-grants-open]
Find out what grants are available, how much you can apply for and who can apply. Applications close at 5pm on Tuesday 11 March.
Have your say on our draft Stretch reconciliation action plan 2025-2028 [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/your-say-stretch-reconciliation-action-plan-2025-2028]
Complete our short survey. Your feedback will help us create opportunities and strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Donate quality furniture and help support reuse in our area [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/donate-quality-furniture-recycle-it-saturday]
With a little extra effort, you can make a big impact – helping local families in need and keeping items out of landfill.
Have your say [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/consultations]
See consultations open for feedback.
Open tenders and expressions of interest [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/opportunities]
Our people are our most important asset. See current vacancies.
Events [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/]
New events listed every day. See What’s On.
Your council [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lord-mayor-and-councillors]
Lord Mayor and councillors.
Choose the news that interests you Update your subscription to stay informed. Update my preferences https://cityofsydneynews.updatemyprofile.com/j-wxtdjt-D96905F6-hruhjytkjh-yh The City of Sydney acknowledges the Gadigal of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of our local area. Privacy [http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/about-us/privacy] View online https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-e-wxtdjt-hruhjytkjh-yk/ Unsubscribe https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-u-wxtdjt-hruhjytkjh-yu/
Each edition will bring you stories of innovation, community and growth, showcasing the people and projects that make Sydney a great place to live, work and explore.
Discover the latest opportunities, get involved in local projects and stay connected.
Clover Moore AO
Lord Mayor of Sydney
Business Business sector spotlight: Shape the future of small business support [https://consult.treasury.gov.au/c2025-624500]
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman provides advice, assistance and dispute resolution services for small businesses.
An independent review is underway to assess its effectiveness, and your feedback is crucial.
Share your insights and have your say by 31 March [https://consult.treasury.gov.au/c2025-624500].
Skill-up: Purchasing renewable electricity webinar [https://utsmeet.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VMBq4AWNRHWoEEeiOrE-Qg#/registration]
Did you know there are several ways you can purchase renewable electricity for your organisation?
Switching to renewable energy is still the most impactful way most organisations can cut emissions.
Join the Business Renewables Centre Australia on 13 February to learn about GreenPower and Retail Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). This 1-hour webinar will help you make informed decisions. Find out more and secure your free spot now [https://utsmeet.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VMBq4AWNRHWoEEeiOrE-Qg#/registration].
Environment Keeping bikes out of landfill [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/keeping-bikes-out-of-landfill]
Revolve ReCYCLING is giving old bikes a new life. They're proving that keeping bikes from landfill is not only environmentally beneficial, but also economically sustainable.
We’ve partnered with Revolve ReCYCLING to accept old bikes and scooters at our Recycle It Saturday [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/environmental-support-funding/recycle-it-saturday] events. The next event is Saturday 22 February, 9am to 3pm, at Alexandra Canal Depot.
Planning & building Have your say on our new round of planning changes [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/your-say-updates-planning-controls-related-greening-amenity-parking-design-excellence]
We want your feedback on proposed changes to our planning rules that support our long-term goals relating to greening, amenity, parking, design excellence and development in Central Sydney.
The changes support greater housing diversity, including new guidelines for adaptable dwellings, and requirements to ensure apartments are suitable for families and have communal open space.
Arts & culture Sydney Streets brings food, shopping and fun outdoors [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/sydney-streets-brings-food-shopping-and-fun-outdoors]
Your favourite neighbourhoods come to life with alfresco dining, entertainment and live music.
Don’t miss the final weekend of Sydney Lunar Festival [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/programs/sydney-lunar-festival]
There are cultural street performances, giant snakes and ladders, animal lanterns [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/programs/sydney-lunar-festival] and lots more to see and do to celebrate the Year of the Snake.
City life Join the Lord Mayor's official welcome event for international students [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/join-the-lord-mayors-official-welcome-event-for-international-students]
Learn about Sydney life, services and programs while making new friends.
6 women from the City of Sydney share how STEM careers help them stay curious [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/6-women-from-the-city-of-sydney-share-how-stem-careers-help-them-stay]
Across the City of Sydney, women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, are driving innovation, sustainability and smart solutions.
Secure funding for your project in 2025: Grants open now [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/city-sydney-grants-open]
Find out what grants are available, how much you can apply for and who can apply. Applications close at 5pm on Tuesday 11 March.
Have your say on our draft Stretch reconciliation action plan 2025-2028 [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/your-say-stretch-reconciliation-action-plan-2025-2028]
Complete our short survey. Your feedback will help us create opportunities and strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Donate quality furniture and help support reuse in our area [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/donate-quality-furniture-recycle-it-saturday]
With a little extra effort, you can make a big impact – helping local families in need and keeping items out of landfill.
Have your say [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/consultations]
See consultations open for feedback.
Open tenders and expressions of interest [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/opportunities]
Opportunities to work with us.
Careers [https://career10.successfactors.com/career?company=cityofsydn&career_ns=job_listing_summary&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&_s.crb=iiRV0qpmR5dW7SPOA+m0aTUdTwY=]
Our people are our most important asset. See current vacancies.
Events [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/]
New events listed every day. See What’s On.
Your council [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lord-mayor-and-councillors]
Lord Mayor and councillors.
Choose the news that interests you Update your subscription to stay informed. Update my preferences https://cityofsydneynews.updatemyprofile.com/j-wxtdjt-D96905F6-hruhjytkjh-yh The City of Sydney acknowledges the Gadigal of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of our local area. Privacy [http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/about-us/privacy] View online https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-e-wxtdjt-hruhjytkjh-yk/ Unsubscribe https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-u-wxtdjt-hruhjytkjh-yu/