Updates from the City of Sydney City of Sydney News 4 June 2024 Hello, and welcome to City of Sydney News
I’m really proud of all we achieve at the City of Sydney.
This email brings together some of the work happening in our area, opportunities for you to get involved and important updates for our local communities.
I hope you find it useful and interesting.
Clover Moore AO
Lord Mayor of Sydney
Business How can we support the future of Sydney’s creative economy? [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/register-for-citytalks-making-space-for-culture-the-future-of-sydneys]
Hear from Australian actor and producer Claudia Karvan and a panel of experts and cultural leaders at the next CityTalks.
Business spotlight on venues and brand partnerships [https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_15ALKEVpR6mtn6qizh0Whg#/registration]
Hear from international beverage brands about how to create strong partnerships for hosting your live gigs, bar takeovers or small festivals.
Join this free interactive panel session on Tuesday 11 June, 2pm to 3pm hosted by the Night Time Industries Association with support from the City of Sydney.
Environment Sustainable clothing: shop your wardrobe [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/videos/sustainable-clothing-shop-your-wardrobe]
As we move into the cooler months, you may be thinking of updating your winter wardrobe.
Leah Giblin, local textile artist and costume maker, shows how to shop from the clothes you own. Create stylish and fresh looks, without buying more stuff.
Arts & culture City of Sydney employee Otis Williams shares what drew him to Redfern [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/city-of-sydney-employee-otis-williams-shares-what-drew-him-to-redfern]
Hear more from Otis about what reconciliation week means to him and what drew him to the City of Sydney.
At the movies: Sydney's love affair with cinemas [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/photos/at-the-movies-sydneys-love-affair-with-cinemas]
From grand picture palaces to cineplex chains, take a front row seat to the story of our theatres from the silver screen's first century.
Embark on a journey of cultures and stories on Sydney Harbour [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/embark-on-a-journey-of-cultures-and-stories-on-sydney-harbour]
Older LBTQ+ women and their friends are invited to board the Mari Nawi cruise and hear local history from a Sydney Aboriginal guide.
City life 5 ways to support Refugee Week [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/5-ways-to-support-refugee-week]
From events and volunteering to films and books, make a connection this year.
What to do in Sydney this June [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/what-to-do-in-sydney-this-june]
Music, movies, markets and more – Sydney’s events calendar heats up this winter.
Sydney sparkles for Pride [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/sydney-sparkles-for-pride]
Join the celebrations with events, nights out and performances from LGBTIQA+ communities.
Our picks for 7 must-see events at Vivid Sydney [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/our-picks-for-7-must-see-events-at-vivid-sydney]
From dazzling lights and live music in an old substation to big ideas with Matildas royalty, discover what's new at this year's festival, 24 May to 15 June.
Clean-up of asbestos contaminated mulch [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lists-maps-inventories/asbestos-contaminated-mulch-in-parks-and-garden-beds]
Work at many parks is under way. Keep up to date with the latest on the clean-up in our area [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lists-maps-inventories/asbestos-contaminated-mulch-in-parks-and-garden-beds].
Have your say [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/consultations]
See consultations open for feedback.
Open tenders and expressions of interest [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lists-maps-inventories/open-tenders-expressions-of-interest]
Our people are our most important asset. See current vacancies.
Events [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/]
New events listed every day. See What’s On.
Your council [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lord-mayor-and-councillors]
Lord Mayor and councillors.
Choose the news that interests you Update your subscription to stay informed. Update my preferences https://cityofsydneynews.updatemyprofile.com/j-gfsjt-D96905F6-hruhjytkjh-yu The City of Sydney acknowledges the Gadigal of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of our local area. Privacy [http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/about-us/privacy] View online https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-e-gfsjt-hruhjytkjh-jl/ Unsubscribe https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-u-gfsjt-hruhjytkjh-jr/
I’m really proud of all we achieve at the City of Sydney.
This email brings together some of the work happening in our area, opportunities for you to get involved and important updates for our local communities.
I hope you find it useful and interesting.
Clover Moore AO
Lord Mayor of Sydney
Business How can we support the future of Sydney’s creative economy? [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/register-for-citytalks-making-space-for-culture-the-future-of-sydneys]
Hear from Australian actor and producer Claudia Karvan and a panel of experts and cultural leaders at the next CityTalks.
Business spotlight on venues and brand partnerships [https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_15ALKEVpR6mtn6qizh0Whg#/registration]
Hear from international beverage brands about how to create strong partnerships for hosting your live gigs, bar takeovers or small festivals.
Join this free interactive panel session on Tuesday 11 June, 2pm to 3pm hosted by the Night Time Industries Association with support from the City of Sydney.
Environment Sustainable clothing: shop your wardrobe [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/videos/sustainable-clothing-shop-your-wardrobe]
As we move into the cooler months, you may be thinking of updating your winter wardrobe.
Leah Giblin, local textile artist and costume maker, shows how to shop from the clothes you own. Create stylish and fresh looks, without buying more stuff.
Arts & culture City of Sydney employee Otis Williams shares what drew him to Redfern [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/city-of-sydney-employee-otis-williams-shares-what-drew-him-to-redfern]
Hear more from Otis about what reconciliation week means to him and what drew him to the City of Sydney.
At the movies: Sydney's love affair with cinemas [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/photos/at-the-movies-sydneys-love-affair-with-cinemas]
From grand picture palaces to cineplex chains, take a front row seat to the story of our theatres from the silver screen's first century.
Embark on a journey of cultures and stories on Sydney Harbour [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/embark-on-a-journey-of-cultures-and-stories-on-sydney-harbour]
Older LBTQ+ women and their friends are invited to board the Mari Nawi cruise and hear local history from a Sydney Aboriginal guide.
City life 5 ways to support Refugee Week [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/5-ways-to-support-refugee-week]
From events and volunteering to films and books, make a connection this year.
What to do in Sydney this June [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/what-to-do-in-sydney-this-june]
Music, movies, markets and more – Sydney’s events calendar heats up this winter.
Sydney sparkles for Pride [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/sydney-sparkles-for-pride]
Join the celebrations with events, nights out and performances from LGBTIQA+ communities.
Our picks for 7 must-see events at Vivid Sydney [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/our-picks-for-7-must-see-events-at-vivid-sydney]
From dazzling lights and live music in an old substation to big ideas with Matildas royalty, discover what's new at this year's festival, 24 May to 15 June.
Clean-up of asbestos contaminated mulch [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lists-maps-inventories/asbestos-contaminated-mulch-in-parks-and-garden-beds]
Work at many parks is under way. Keep up to date with the latest on the clean-up in our area [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lists-maps-inventories/asbestos-contaminated-mulch-in-parks-and-garden-beds].
Have your say [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/consultations]
See consultations open for feedback.
Open tenders and expressions of interest [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lists-maps-inventories/open-tenders-expressions-of-interest]
Opportunities to work with us.
Careers [https://career10.successfactors.com/career?company=cityofsydn&career_ns=job_listing_summary&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&_s.crb=iiRV0qpmR5dW7SPOA+m0aTUdTwY=]
Our people are our most important asset. See current vacancies.
Events [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/]
New events listed every day. See What’s On.
Your council [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lord-mayor-and-councillors]
Lord Mayor and councillors.
Choose the news that interests you Update your subscription to stay informed. Update my preferences https://cityofsydneynews.updatemyprofile.com/j-gfsjt-D96905F6-hruhjytkjh-yu The City of Sydney acknowledges the Gadigal of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of our local area. Privacy [http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/about-us/privacy] View online https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-e-gfsjt-hruhjytkjh-jl/ Unsubscribe https://cityofsydneynews.cmail19.com/t/j-u-gfsjt-hruhjytkjh-jr/